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Herring gull

    Herring gull

    Larus argentatus

Castilian: Gaviota argéntea europea

Catalan: Gavià argentat de potes rosa

Gallego: Gaivota arxéntea

Euskera: Kaio hauskara


Orden: Charadriiformes

Family: Laridae

Migratory status: Winter resident


In the 2004 edition of the Red Book of Spanish Birds (Libro Rojo de las Aves de España) it is listed as “Not Evaluated”.


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It is currently very abundant, although in the past its numbers have dwindled as a result of the collection of large quantities of its eggs for human consumption.

Length / size: 55-67 cm / 125-155 cm

Identification: Large gull with silvery grey plumage on its back, white underparts and pinkish legs.

Song: It makes a strong sound with high notes, a "aw-kyee-kaw-kaw-kaw".

Diet: It is omnivorous and consumes all types of food.

Reproduction: It is a colonial species. Both sexes build the nest, which is a mound made of plant matter, and they both incubate the eggs.


During breeding season it is found in marine cliffs or islands; the rest of the year it prefers areas close to the sea, such as fishing ports, beaches and rubbish dumps.


In Spain: It is a very rare species that appears most often in the Cantabrian Mountains.

In Castile and León: It is distributed throughout all the provinces, in any kind of wetland area.

Movements and migrations: It is a species that migrates short distances. The northernmost populations travel south in winter.


In Spain:

In Castile and León: