Tree pipit
Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Castilian: Bisbita arbóreo Catalan: Piula dels arbres Gallego: Pica das árbores Euskera: Uda-txirta CLASIFICACIÓN: Orden: Passeriformes Family: Motacillidae Migratory status: Summer resident CONSERVATION STATUS: On the National List of Threatened Species, it appears in the “Of Special Interest” category. In the 2004 edition of the Red Book of Spanish Birds (Libro Rojo de las Aves de España) it is listed as “Not Evaluated”.
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Length / size: 15 cm / 26 cm Identification: Its appearance is similar to that of the other pipits. Its back is brown and streaked, its belly light and striped, and its breast and flanks are ochre-coloured; its bill and legs are thin, its tail is long with white external feathers, its forehead is light, and its thin moustache is black. Song: It is strong and melodic with a slow end: "cheew-cheew-cheewwwww". Diet: It primarily feeds on small beetles and other insects, which it captures by searching and pecking on the ground among grass and dead leaves. Reproduction: The breeding period begins at the end of April. It is a monogamous and territorial species, although the male can breed with more than one female. The nest is built by the female, forming a large bowl made of dry grass and protected on the ground. The female is responsible for incubation but both parents feed the chicks. Additionally, it is one of the hosts of the common cuckoo. HABITAT During breeding season it occupies thin forests, countryside with pastureland, scrubland and scattered trees, river meadows, etc. It usually breeds from sea level up to an altitude of 1,700 metres. DISTRIBUTION In Spain: It breeds in the northern third of the peninsula, specifically in the Pyrenees and the northern part of the River Duero, as well as in the Iberian and Central Systems. In Castile and León: It is distributed throughout the entire community, although during breeding season it is concentrated in the northern half: Burgos, León, Palencia and Soria. Movements and migrations: It winters in Africa. The spring passage takes place between March and May, and the autumn passage between late August and early October. The specimens in passage come from western Europe. POPULATION In Spain: There is an estimated population of 350000 breeding pairs. In Castile and León: | |