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Euracian tree sparrow

    Euracian tree sparrow

    Passer montanus

Castilian: Gorrión molinero

Catalan: Pardal xarrec

Gallego: Pardal montés

Euskera: Landa-txolarrea


Orden: Passeriformes

Family: Passeridae

Migratory status: Permanent resident


In the 2004 edition of the Red Book of Spanish Birds (Libro Rojo de las Aves de España) it is listed as “Not Evaluated”.

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It is being displaced by the common sparrow and the Spanish sparrow, which are bigger and adapt better. It is also affected by agricultural intensification and the use of pesticides.

Length / size: 12,5-14 cm / 20-22 cm

Identification: Sparrow that is smaller than the house sparrow. Its differences are its brown crown, a black spot that stands out on its white cheek, and a white part that hangs from its head. Its back is brown with black stripes and its breast is greyish with a very small bib.

Song: It is quite silent. It makes bisyllabic nasal sounds, "tsoooeet".

Diet: According to its needs and the time of year, it feeds on seeds from wild and cultivated plants, fruits, berries, and small invertebrates, which is uses to feed its chicks.

Reproduction: The breeding period begins in April with the construction of the nest, normally in a tree hollow. Both the male and female participate, and they use needles, grass and leaves to make spherical structures that are resistant. They take turns incubating during the day, but at night only the female is in charge. Both parents feed the chicks.


It shows a preference for rural lands with trees and farmland. It avoids thick forests and very urbanised areas.


In Spain: Present in the entire peninsula, principally in the two Plateaus, Levante and Catalonia.

In Castile and León: Distributed throughout all the provinces with high densities in León, Palencia and Burgos.

Movements and migrations: It is a sedentary species in the peninsula. However, in winter, specimens migrating from northern Europe arrive.


In Spain: There is an estimated population of 2.5 to 4 million breeding pairs.

In Castile and León: