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Common pochard

    Common pochard

    Aythya ferina

Castilian: Porrón europeo

Catalan: Morell de cap roig

Gallego: Pato chupón

Euskera: Murgilari arrunta


Orden: Anseriformes

Family: Anatidae

Migratory status: Permanent resident


In the 2004 edition of the Red Book of Spanish Birds (Libro Rojo de las Aves de España) it is listed as “Not Evaluated”.

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Destruction of wetlands due to eutrofisation, drying up, aquifer overexploitation. Also hunting and lead poisoning.

Length / size: 42-49 cm / 67-75 cm

Identification: Diving duck that swims with its body quite submerged. During mating season the male's head is reddish-brown, his eyes red, his bill dark with a grey ring, his chest and rump black and the rest of his body grey. In flight the contrast between the three colours can be observed. The female is a greyish colour, with a reddish breast and rump, and her head is a dirty cream colour with dark eyes.

Song: Although it is quite silent, during the mating ritual the male makes a "aaah-oh-ooo" and the female a "prarr".

Diet: Its diet includes animals (small fish, crustaceans, insects) and plant matter, depending on the location and time of year.

Reproduction: The female prepares a very elaborate nest on the ground and near the water using plant matter and down. The chicks, although they are independent, will stay with the mother until having completed their development.


When breeding, it is found in marshes and ponds with open waters and abundant river vegetation, while it prefers reservoirs, lakes and lagoons or saltwater coastal environment for wintering.


In Spain: It currently reproduces in large numbers in the peninsula's wetlands in the Balearic Islands, but it is not present in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla.

In Castile and León: It is distributed throughout Villafáfila (Zamora), Monteagudo swamp (Soria) and Carucedo lake (León), among other places.

Movements and migrations: The individuals coming from central and nothern Europe begin to reach the peninsula in September to winter, remaining among us until May. The Iberian specimens disperse beyond our borders in all directions.


In Spain: There is an estimated population of 5000 breeding pairs.

In Castile and León: There is an estimated population of 800 breeding specimens (1997 data).