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41. Blue rock thrush
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
...  13_Monticolasolitarius-Roquerosolitario.mp3 listen song THREATS The construction of dams in narrow valleys, mountain climbing, and other uncontrolled leisure activities reduce its habitat and ...
42. Mistle thrush
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... an altitude of 2,000 metres in Sierra Nevada. DISTRIBUTION In Spain: It is widely distributed throughout the peninsula, although it is scarce in the arid regions of the Ebro Valley, both Castiles, ...
43. Savi's warbler
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... Valley, La Mancha, Extremadura, and the Northern Plateau. In Castile and León: Its distribution is very limited to certain places. It definitely breeds in southern Palencia. Movements and migrations: ...
44. European reed warbler
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... the entire peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with the largest populations found in the Duero, Guadalquivir, Ebro and Levante valleys. In Castile and León: It is distributed throughout all of the provinces, ...
45. Spectacled warbler
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... System. DISTRIBUTION In Spain: It is scattered over the peninsula, reaching central and eastern Andalusia, the highlands of the Iberian System, and the Ebro Valley. It is also abundant on the Canary ...
46. Sardinian warbler
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... It also penetrates the Ebro Valley and reaches Basque Country and northeast Castile and León, and there is an unevenly distributed population along the Cantabrian coastline and the Atlantic coastline in ...
47. Bonelli's warbler
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... metres. DISTRIBUTION In Spain: It is evenly distributed throughout the northern half of the peninsula, with more specific concentrations in Galicia, the Cantabrian coast, and the Ebro Valley. In ...
48. Blue tit
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... diverse areas, including parks. DISTRIBUTION In Spain: It only appears in provinces on the peninsula. It avoids areas lacking trees, such as the central section of the Ebro Valley and the Guadalquivir ...
49. Common kingfisher
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... Europe behave as residents, but the most northern and eastern ones are migrants and move to Mediterranean regions and the Nile Valley to winter. Between late September and early November, the postnuptial ...
50. Lesser spotted woodpecker
(Aves/Fichas - English (United Kingdom))
... is distributed in three principal concentrations: in the north, in Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarre and the high Ebro Valley; another in Catalonia; and a third one in Cáceres, Salamanca and Ávila. In ...
... se cuenta con 12 empresas de turismo activo asociadas. De la provincia de León, acudirán empresarios de las comarca donde trabajan los GAL Asodebi, Cuatro Valles, Montaña de Riaño, Montaña de Teleno, ...
52. Granja Escuela Casavieja S.A.
(Empresas de Turismo Activo/todas)
Granja Escuela Casavieja S.A. Camino de las Navas, s/n 5450 Casavieja (Ávila) www.granjacasavieja.com
(Empresas de Turismo Activo/todas)
TRACKGREDOS C/ Huertos Nuevos, 4 05450 Casavieja Ávila Tef.- 918678844 Movil: 675566414 639726250 www.trackgredos.com
54. Guheko
(Empresas de Turismo Activo/todas)
Guheko C/Campanillas 48, 1ª Planta 24008 (León) www.guheko.com
55. Mirador/Observatorio en Segovia, dentro de Segovia Sur
(Observatorios / Miradores/Segovia)
... de arterias camineras que unirán El Espinar con el “Itinerario Ambiental” que nos asomará a la depresión o fosa tectónica que constituye el valle Comarca de Campo Azálvaro, regado por el río Voltoya, situado ...
establecimientos/512_1:200:160:1:0 Centro de Turismo Rural y Casa Rural CTR Valle de Ancalres CR El Loceo 22 plazas C/ Las Cancelas, 4; 24433-Pereda de Ancares (León)Telf: 987 564 284 / 608 ...
57. Camping de Burbia
... fundado en 1992, situado en el Valle de Burbia, paraje fértil y verde con grandes montañas capaces de atraer a grandes montañeros. El camping cuenta con 55 parcelas, un albergue, tres cabañas y un aula ...
58. La Gandara
... al pueblo. Como todo el valle es una zona muy rica de yacimientos arqueológicos. El pueblo de San Justo de Cabanillas es una pedanía perteneciente al municipio de Noceda del Bierzo. Unos pueblos preciosos ...
59. Los Trobos
... Contacto: Félix Méndez Cachón lostrobos@lostrobos.com Características Los Trobos es un Centro de Turismo Rural ubicado en la comarca viní­cola de El Bierzo. Ofrece vistas panorámicas a los valles ...
60. A Calexa da Poza
... medulas), valle del Silencio, etc. El pueblo esta rodeado de viñedos y es relevante la encina del pueblo, matriarca de las encinas bercianas (el Xardon do perouchin), árbol monumental del Bierzo.  Podríamos ...
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