| RIVER SEQUILLOCHARACTERISTICS OF ROUTE Type of route Circular, with a short straight stretch at the start Distance 14.4 km Degree of difficulty Low Duration on foot 3½ hours Duration by bicycle 1½ hours Recommended time of year Spring, Autumn & Winter | |
ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThe River Sequillo flows through a large part of the lands of Castilla, and its riverside vegetation provides a sheltered habitat for a large number of riparian bird species. This route runs upstream from Belver de los Montes, in the east of Zamora, through an area that is part of the Tierra del Pan Site of Community Interest and Special Protection Area for Birds. The route follows a comfortable track parallel to the river through cultivated fields, until it reaches the abandoned Mill of the Jesuit. Along the old mill race the abundant riverside vegetation provides an ideal site for viewing small insectivores such as Nightingales, Typical Warblers and Golden Orioles. The Black-crowned Night Heron and the Kingfisher perch nearby waiting for fish to catch. The route continues to the ruins of the mill of Ojitos, from where it leaves the valley of the River Sequillo to climb up to the cereal producing plains situated to the south, where one can observe bird species associated with the wide open cereal cultivations; Great Bustards, Little Bustards, Kites, Harriers and Kestrels are part of the range of species found on the Steppe-lands. GAL: ADRI PALOMARES Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. listening to audio guide Elevation graph
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