| LA UNIÓN DE CAMPOS - VALDUNQUILLOCHARACTERISTICS OF ROUTE Type of route Circular Distance 11.1 km Degree of difficulty Low Duration on foot 2¾ hours Duration by bicycle 45 minutes Recommended time of year All year | |
ROUTE DESCRIPTIONThis circular route runs between the municipalities of La Unión de Campos, Valdunquillo and the very western part of the municipal area of Urones de Castroponce. Situated in the part of the rural district of Tierra de Campos that lies in the province of Valladolid, this is in the heart of the Penillanuras-Campos Norte Special Protection Area for Birds. The route follows the easy tracks around this area, which is characterized by uniform flat steppelands with cereal cultivations, occasionally interrupted by streams which form small valleys, like the Arroyo del Olmo, near Valdunquillo. Of particular note is the presence of an internationally important community of birds associated with the steppes, such as the Great and Little Bustards, and the Black-bellied Sandgrouse. There are also raptors, particularly notable being Montagu’s Harrier and the Lesser Kestrel, which both nest in the area. GAL: ADRI VALLADOLID NORTE Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. listening to audio guide Elevation graph
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