Geographical Area (Municipalities)
Montaña Palentina is a natural region located in the far north of Palencia Province. This territory forms part of the southern Montaña Cantábrica basin; it is bordered by the regions of Riaño, Liébana and Campoo to the north, and by the flat area that gives way to the Castilian Plateau in the far south. To the east it is bordered by La Lora (in Burgos Province), and to the west the border is with Cistierna, located in the Montaña Leonesa.
The territory that we call Montaña Palentina is comprised of 19 municipalities: Aguilar de Campoo, Barruelo de Santullán, Berzosilla, Brañosera, Castrejón de la Peña, Cervera de Pisuerga, Dehesa de Montejo, Guardo, La Pernía, Mudá, Polentinos, Pomar de Valdivia, Respenda de la Peña, Salinas de Pisuerga, San Cebrián de Mudá, Santibáñez de Ecla, Santibáñez de la Peña, Triollo, and Velilla del Río Carrión.