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Geographical Area (Municipalities)

The area included in the LAG’s programmes is located in the western part of the province of Burgos, in the territory identified as “Amaya-Camino de Santiago”. The conventional limits that define the territory are:

•To the north and west: the borders with the Cantabria and Palencia Provinces

•To the south and east: Highway N-620 and National Highway 623 Burgos-Santander.

The geographical area is defined by 4 physical and cultural axes:

•The to north, the intermediate mountainous are ato Palencia and Cantabria, as well as the “Páramos de la Lora” (La Lora Highlands) and the “Valle de Sedano” (Sedano Valley).

•To the east, the Rudrón, Urbel and del Hormazuela River Valleys.

•To the south, the area of the Camino de Santiago.

•To the west, the Pisuerga river banks and its tributaries (Odra, Brullés)

The surface area of the Region is 2,860 km², which makes up almost one-fifth of the Burgos Province, with a population of 16,768 people and a population density of 5.86 inhabitants/km².

This Region is composed of 60 minicipalities formed by 224 localities.

Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

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