• Trino
  • Trino
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Justification for our participation in the trino project

Every year, more and more birdwatching tourists arrive to Castilla y León, and the tourism industry has recognised this fact, working to make birds yet another attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists.

The Amaya-Camino de Santiago region has a wide variety of landscapes. In the region, we can distinguish two well-differentiated areas: in the northern area, the landscape is more mountainous and possesses hunting resources. The landscapes and the attractive canyons of the Rivers Ebro and Rudrón stand out. Amaya Rock and its surrounding areas and the Humada, Rebolledo de la Torre, El Tozo and Valdelucio valleys are clear indicators of a landscape shaped by the action of numerous rivers, streams and springs that contrast with the elevated and barren highlands. The two primary areas mentioned here have been included as ZEPAs (Special Protection Areas for Birds) and LICs (Sites of Community Interest) in the NATURA 2000 ecology network.

The diversity of landscapes contributes to the rich natural heritage of the entire region.

Birdwatching is a pastime that allows people to get close to nature. In the same way, people become more aware of the environmental problems that surround them and they begin to worry more about this issue that can affect the quality of their lives so greatly.

Birdwatching has advantages, since birds are beautiful, diverse and fun to watch. It is an activity that can be done as a family, with friends or alone, without any age limits.

Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

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Castilla y León es vida

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